Labels:bulletin board | chair | hakham | person | poster | sky | tree | umbrella | water OCR: 6. Miwa Vasusato Hometown: Naha Okinawa School Okinawa Seiai College Blood :adfip Birthday September 20 Horoscope: Virgo Height. 166 cm Bust: 84 Cn Waist. 54 cm. Hip: 88 cm Hobby: Karaoke and Surfing Special Talent: Playing the saxophone Mivais famous in her hometown for winning amateu singing contests Her goal is to be a professional singer Iwoula like to take advantage o fthis tinumuoddo to make tiu debut into show business am determined to make my dream of becoming singer come true. Miwa Hometoun Okinava Type Miva amater Iwould tinumaoddo